感染者数の増加に伴い、学校が隔離施設になり、軽症者は大人も子どもも隔離されています。クリストファーさんによると、「市は毎日食べ物を提供しています。私たちが心配しているのは、子どもたちが冷たいセメントの床で横になっていることです。 特に今は梅雨の時期ですが、すでにミルクやビスケットをあげていますが、10〜15人の赤ちゃんの家族だけでは、みんなにあげる余裕はありません」と訴えています。回復後も感染から21日間はそこにとどまらなくてはなりません。



This is an isolation facility for covid patients positive, it is a school room, now became an isolation facilities for everyone who are infected, Municipal provides their food daily, what we are worried is the kids lying down the cold floor cement with just a used cartoon serve as beddings especially now is a rainy season, already we give them milk and biscuits but just for a family of 10 to 15 babies, we can’t afford to give it to everyone,
we just did it last month!
On the other hand most of them are recovering already but they have to stay there for atleast 21 days from the day they were infected.


Photo taken an hour ago before Terence gotten into a swab test
Kristine my sister reported us now! A saddened news about his eldest son Terence 7 yrs old male, got positive to covid 19, he got this infection to his cousins as a close primary contact, as kristine reported saying before she was the one who brings the patient to isolation facility now she has to bring her own son (crying😭) how sad it was!


Oh, no
How sad
No words
We know how you all feel



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