初冬の朝陽の中に 独りで立ちます |
In the morning sun in early winter I alone am standing |
朝陽の中に 陽炎がゆらゆら揺らいでいます |
The air is shimmering In the morning sun |
あれは昨夜の哀しみ あれは昨夜の孤独 |
It was the sadness at the last night It was the loneliness at the last night |
埋めがたい過ぎし時の有姿を じっと見つめています |
Gazing intenly at myself in the past Knowing there is no way to fill up those passed days |
冷たい空気、透明な空気、 燦々と降り注ぐ朝陽 |
The cool fresh air, the clear fresh air The morning sunshine pouring down on us |
朝陽の中で 再び生きる歓びを感じるわたしです |
In the morning sun I again become full of joy in life |
異国の友の無事を祈ります | I pray for the safety of our friends in foreign countries |
合わせた手のひらに 優しく射し込む朝陽です |
Gently the morning sun shines Through my palms joining together in prayer |
有り難い命です | So grateful for my life |
感謝に包まれて佇むわたしです あなたのわたしです† |
In gratitude I stand still I am yours† |
神のしもべ | Being God's servant |
photo by Oshochi